#wedeepen // @wedeepen
Saturday, November 16
630 W 5th St
Downtown LA
Guided by Good Money
Free access.
Join Good Money to kick off a global movement to protect and restore the rainforests of the world.
Good Money is the world’s first digital banking platform where they make every customer an owner and allocate 50% of their profits to positive social and environmental impact.
On November 16, flood the streets of Downtown LA at the door steps of big banks to demand they stop funding rainforest destruction.
According to Amazon Watch, Big Banks have financed companies destroying the rainforest with over $44 billion in the last 5 years. But imagine the Good they could do with that money instead? So let’s rise up in mass to demand that big banks change their ways.
This is a FREE event and for every person who shows up, Good Money will fund the protection of a ¼ acre of rainforest for Indigenous Communities, which in turn saves 200 trees and 2,500 animals! If thousands show up, that’s millions of trees defended forever from destructive business practices.
Come ready to have fun and make a difference. All ages are welcome so bring everyone you know! Together, we can create enough momentum to spark a worldwide movement to make money Good.
It’s going to be epic — see you there!
Scroll up to RSVP now!
Meet in Downtown LA
Meet at 630 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 at 12:30pm.
The 1.2 mile march will start at 3:00pm.
You will pass by 9 banks and end up by a stage located at the base of the 2 bank towers.
There will be live music, well-known DJs, art cars, indigenous leaders, youth activists, food trucks and more, until 7:00 pm.
Email hi@wedeepen.com or text 866-217-4268 if you need us.