#wedeepen // @wedeepen
Boundaries Program
Get This Online Program to Help You Create Better Boundaries
Guided by Bryan Reeves and Silvy Khoucasian
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Every single day we get messages from people all over the world asking us questions like:
"I don't want to be controlling, but I hate it when he/she ..."
“How can I get him to stop doing [that hurtful thing]?”
“How can I get her to stop talking to me like that?”
“Isn't it selfish to ask for what I want or put my needs first?”
“I'm seeing red flags with someone I just started dating ... what do I do?”
What people don't realize is their frustration (resentment, confusion, hurt, anger, etc.) is often the simple consequence of lacking clear boundaries.
This is how you create a tragic mess even with the "love of your life"!
Because boundaries create SAFETY.
When you don’t feel safe – not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically safe, too – you naturally protect yourself by either withdrawing or attacking. Clearly, withdrawing and attacking both destroy any chance for intimacy. Healthy boundaries make all that unnecessary, which means real intimacy, exquisite relationship, can finally happen for you.
Make sense? Without boundaries you can kiss intimacy goodbye!
When you enroll, you'll get conversation scripts – EXACT WORDS & SENTENCES you can start using immediately to help you communicate your boundaries with respect and love, in ways that set you and your partner up for success together.
Step into the love you deserve and desire by learning to communicate clearly, with love and respect, to help minimize resistance and ensure you (both) get heard.
With This Program You Will Learn…
How to prevent a great relationship from going
bad by having have clear, healthy boundaries.
The essential difference between “requests” and
non-negotiable “requirements” for healthy relating.
How to navigate sexual boundaries
(including when it don't feel good or ain't happening enough).
What to do when your partner "flirts" with others
(whether or not they agree they're "flirting").
The 3 Core Fears preventing you from
creating & honoring your boundaries.
How to work powerfully with the different way
men and women experience boundaries.
How to enforce consequences around
boundaries without punishing your partner.
…and more!
“Thank you for bringing to light the immense boundary issues I have. You have enlightened and inspired me to work on them in a new love relationship, along with all other relationships in my life. BIG BREAKTHROUGH. BIG THANKS!”
Guide Bryan Reeves
A former US Air Force Captain, Bryan Reeves has survived multiple dark nights of the soul and done many stupid things that have taught him well.
Bryan works with men, women and couples as a thriving relationship coach and teaches mindfulness to military vets. His book "The Sex, Flirting, Dating, Hunting & Hoping Diet" is now on Amazon.
His mission is to serve the world one Awakened Man, one Illuminated Woman, one Thriving Relationship at a time.
Guide Silvy Khoucasian
Silvy Khoucasian earned her Master’s Degree in Psychology from the MFT program at Phillips Graduate Institute, and her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
She is an Author, an Entrepreneur, and the Founder of Love With Integrity. She specializes in intimate relationships and boundaries, supporting singles and couples to attract and maintain thriving relationships. Silvy is known for infusing psychology with grounded spirituality to help her clients all over the world feel both empowered and assertive in their life choices.