Meet Deepen Guide: Imari Tuakli

Imari Anderson

Guide of SPACE and Yes, And…
Featured Podcasts: Deepen with Christina episodes 007 and 015

Imari says the things you need to hear in the ways you never expected to hear them. Described as "the guy who debates ancient philosophy on the way to club", Imari is a walking paradox: Intense yet hilarious, with the wisdom of an ancient guru and the spirit of a mischievous toddler.

What's your zone of genius? 

 I like the brain. A lot. One of the only things I like more than the brain is rewiring it...Knowing it so you can shift it. First I did that with videos that reached 100s of millions. Now, as a coach, I do it with you, your friends, and anyone else who is looking for bs-free coaching.

How's your love life? 

How's my love life? Depends who's asking. I'm convinced this is just Christina trying to hit on me through the veil of the WeDeepen website.

Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do because the moment I communicate a concept that really LANDS with someone...that shifts their mindset...that dilates their pupils...that turns their dreams from a probability to an eventuality....that moment is orgasmic. It's everything. It's more satisfying than sex.


View Imari’s creatively curated Universe at @freeimari