Meet Deepen Guide: Indy Rishi Singh


Guide of Mind Sports

Indy Rishi Singh is a quintessential neuroplastician. His background in the medical sciences and his curiosity in the mystical makes him a unique trailblazer in a time of great collective confusion. Indy sparks curiosity and hope wherever he goes. His passion for service inspires.

What's your zone of genius? 

 I am a genius when it comes to studying and practicing genius. I love to channel genius. In ancient science and metaphysics, genius comes from the word genie; where we can meditate and tap into multidimensional beings and our ability to expand on lateral thinking. This allows me to solve problems.

How's your love life? 

I am in love with harmony. This practice and devotion to the infinite beauty has attracted an incredible partnership with a teammate who shares a love of service, play, and purpose. I am fortunate to love and exist fully when I am both alone and with partnership with my teamMate.

Why do you do what you do?

I am fulfilling my cosmic Dharma as a scientist, student, lover, and hero. When I show up in the world in these ways, I feel content and true. When I execute my passion for harmony, I am able to transmute spaces that are experiencing pain, disharmony, and suffering.


View Indy’s creatively curated Universe at @Mysticscience111