Meet Jessica Encell Coleman

Jessica Encell Coleman Magic of Human Connection

Guide at The Magic of Human Connection

Jessica is the creator of “The Magic of Human Connection”, a heart opening signature session that she’s facilitated for over 10,000 people at the world’s top events, conferences, and festivals such as Summit Series, Wanderlust Festivals, SXSX, Worldz, Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Conference, Hive Global Leadership Conference and many more!

What's your zone of genius? 

Creating spaces of extraordinarily celebratory, warm, inclusive community and designing heart expanding, joy amplifying, aliveness experiences that brings out that absolute best aspects of humanity!

How's your love life? 

One of my favorite quotes is by Yogu Bhajan and it says, “Life is a constant flow of love, only your participation is requested.” That is how I see it too!

I would also add that life is magical, kind, abundant, and all that is required to amplify those energies in our lives is our participation!

Why do you do what you do?

I feel that life is the most magnificent gift EVER! I love creating experiences of celebrating that gift and coming together in community to all cultivate and amplify the magic, awe, joy and aliveness that comes from being present with the wonder and beauty of life! And I love to play!



View Jessica’s creatively curated Universe at @jessicaencellcoleman