Meet Deepen Guide: Zachary Puchtel


Guide of Divine Rhyme & Personal Freedom Coach

Zach took on freestyle rapping, the most terrifying art form he could think of, in order to free his expression. In the process, he discovered the infinite freedom available when you jump in and say yes. His raved about workshop, Divine Rhyme, let’s you experience the artist inside that’s been waiting to express!

What's your zone of genius? 

My zone of genius is being free in myself and holding space in safe containers for other to do the same. I love addressing fear as the illusion it is, and providing simple tools and techniques for transcending the mind games that hold us back from our true potential.

How's your love life? 

My love life is fascinating, and never fails to present more space to grow into.

Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do because it's ridiculously fun to freestyle, and incredibly satisfying to support people in moving beyond their perceived limitations of expression.


As a private coach, Zach works 1:1 with people to free them from inhibitions, worry and anxiety- into a state of expressed freedom and sense of personal empowerment.



View Zachary’s creatively curated Universe at @zachpuchtel