#wedeepen // @wedeepen
Nightcap Nidra
Deepen Your Sleep
Guided by Nadine Dalati
Get ready for bed and join us for Nightcap Nidra!
You’ll be guided through an ancient tantric relaxation technique, known as Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra helps you to release anxiety, pacify pain and reconnect with total peace.
You’ll find a cozy place to lie down, whether it’s your bed, your yoga mat, or anywhere in nature, and click on the meeting link sent through registration confirmation email.
More benefits:
Improving your sleep and reducing insomnia
Detaching from your thoughts
Releasing tension and pain
Connecting with yourself
Enjoying life to the fullest
And you can achieve this regardless of age, beliefs, or physical abilities.
Fun fact: Studies show that 20-30 minutes of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to 2-3 hours of sleep in the body - how cool is that?!
Gift yourself with this relaxation hack and watch how it improves every aspect of your life!