#wedeepen // @wedeepen

Sensual Awakening

Summer Series: Part 4
New Date Coming Soon
Los Angeles

Guided by Damiana Rahshelle

$77.00 access

In this immersive social alchemy series of experiences, you will be guided on an adventure moving from your busy, productive, highly reactive mind, & into our intuitive, infinitely loving Truth.

Awaken to the power of your innate sensual energy & tap into your limitless capacity to experience pleasure & Love, while connecting deeply with anyone & everyone in the never ending moment.

Allow yourself to be enraptured by the bliss of inward & outward reflection where "time" no longer exists.

Be witnessed, held, loved & supported by commUNITY as you give yourself permission to express in whatever way comes through. Together, We will BE unleashed from the chains (the lies) that bind us & limit our fullest potential.

Come practice Surrender & Loving the perfection of all that YOU are.

With this new awareness, the way you experience Life is Transformed.

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Part 4: DEEP DIVE -New Date Coming Soon

An 8-hour adventure of expansion through Orgasmic Presence, Pleasure & all the experiences covered in DEEPEN, plus individual/couple live coaching. Q&A on anything & everything Sensual, Sexual, relationships (there are no-limits), & an open forum discussion breaking through old beLIEfs (LIES). Simply a massive Deprogramming session to REMEMBER the TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE.


Commune at a Private Residence


The Sensual Awakening Experience is a 4-part series over the course of 5-weeks.

Upon registration you will receive an email with details on what to bring, parking, address, etc.

Singles and couples welcome, no partner is required to join this adventure.

This may be a perfect opportunity to bring a lover, friend, colleague or family member you're desiring to go deeper with.

Part 4 is designed for those who have gone through at least one of the previous levels.

The first hour of each experience is intended for arriving & provides space for grounding into the experience.

Each event will provide water, superfoods, & snacks from sponsors. Optional organic vegan lunch will be available for purchase.

Email hi@wedeepen.com or text 866-217-4268 if you need us.


Discover Guide @damiana_rahshelle


Go Deeper