#wedeepen // @wedeepen

The Service Online

The Service Community Nverland

11:00-12:30pm PST
1:00-2:30pm EST

Guided by Anthony Reese Schneider & NVRLND

Free access

The Service is a community intention-setting gathering for people who are interested in spirituality, philosophy, self examination, and consciousness. We facilitate a community event where people can express gratitude, pray, speak and be heard, find support, learn, practice manifestation, and connect with other like-minded individuals. The Service is non-denominational and seeks to provide a holistic alternative to traditional organized religion.

Many of our beliefs are rooted in Eastern/Western mysticism, ancient mindfulness traditions, and modern esoteric spirituality but are by no means limited to these ideologies and are constantly evolving. The Service is a living organism dedicated to the spirit of co-creation, curiosity, and evolution.

Content Policy: The Service is open to all perspectives and beliefs, additionally, there will be no pressure for anyone to believe any certain thing. If anyone is found to be coercing, manipulating, or actively converting someone to a specific belief system they will be forced to leave and will not be allowed to return.

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Online link will be provided by email following registration. Scroll back up to sign up now and look for the confirmation email.

Email hi@wedeepen.com or text 866-217-4268 if you need us.


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