Posts tagged Relationship Role Models with Gay & Katie Hendricks
DWC 054: From First Conversations to Lifelong Love with Gay & Katie Hendricks

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Want to know how to start a powerful and epic relationship? Look no further than Gay and Katie Hendricks. These relationship role models have over 40 years of experience in conscious loving, and it all began with an honest and bold invitation from Gay.

In this episode, we explore the origin story of their relationship and how it set the foundation for a lifetime of growth and success. Imari Tuakli, a speaker and coach, joins us as we delve into the Hendricks's story, and discover how they began their relationship with a powerful and epic conversation.

Listen and learn how they set clear boundaries and committed to honesty and creativity from the very start. Don't miss out on this opportunity to study love and elevate your relationships.

Find out more about Gay and Katie at and follow Imari's journey on Instagram at @freeimari. Tune in now and join WeDeepen and Christina Weber on the path to deeper connections at and @christinaweber