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This is such an eye-opening discussion with Leah Marshall on how successful polyamorous relationships begin with a dialogue of desires and expectations of the union. A common Polyamory norm is to ask - What’s your poly why? This opens an honest dialogue of one’s boundaries and a healthy preemptive discussion on how to manage possible triggers.
These communication practices can be used in all types of relationships both social and business. What are the (unspoken) expectations of this relationship/job? If you get triggered, what would be an effective way to express your concerns? What support do you need from me in order to do a great job?
What an incredibly wise approach! Brendan Burchard often speaks of predicting possible breakdowns and deciding in advance how they shall be handled. It alleviates so much drama.
Leah is the founder and leader of the Esther Perel Discussion Group on Facebook, a community of almost 14,000 members from across the globe who regularly discuss relationships, intimacy, sex, desire, and infidelity.