Meet Deepen Guide: Damiana Rahshelle

Damiana Rahshelle

Guide at Sensual Awakening

Damiana is a Love Coach, Intuitive Holistic Healer & Sound Healer, specializing in Self Love, Relationships & Empowerment. She guides people to experience & integrate True Love, Pleasure & Purpose into every moment.

What's your zone of genius? 

BEing an INbodyment of unconditional LOVE. Reconnecting humankind to their heart, intuition and sensual energy through awakening the senses and inherent Magik. I am here as a Reminder, empowering and giving tools to those who are ready to optimize their life and INbody their most authentic self; anchoring *Heaven on Earth.*

How's your love life? 

My life is Love. They are One and the same. I live in a perpetual state of Love. I haven't been in a monogamous relationship for over 5 years, yet I Am the most nourished, fulfilled & am experiencing more Love than any other time in my life. I welcome a Beloved Heartner whenever that Now presents itself, until then I Am not waiting for anything or anyone, I Am in Love... Now & always.

Why do you do what you do?

I absolutely LOVE being a catalyst for Human Connection, Transformation & Growth. I Love to bear witness and hold space as people release the programs—layers upon layers of protection built up around themselves. I become elated and activated when observing people Transform into BEings—enveloped with Love & enraptured with joy & Pleasure as one Remembers the Truth of who We are (LOVE), stepping deeper into power and Purpose.


View Damiana’s creatively curated Universe at @damiana_rahshelle