Posts tagged Intuitive Painting
Meet Deepen Guide: Julia Berryman

Guide of Awaken Your Artistry! - Intuitive Painting

Julia is an Intuitive Painter & Sex, Creativity + Empowerment Coach. She combines her love of art & dance with breathwork, meditation & emotional expression to help people forge a direct connection to the ecstatic wisdom of their Body, their Inner Artist, Intuition & Spirit.

What's your zone of genius? 

Art & all things creative. I also have a knack for seeing the brilliance in people & helping them discover their special sparkle. Warning: My boundless enthusiasm just might be contagious! ;) Side effects of hanging out with me: creative outbursts, increased verve for life & uproarious laughter!

How's your love life? 

Love is my teacher every single day. I am inspired daily by my loved ones and feel so, so lucky to have such wonderful humans in my life. In many ways, I express my love through the art I create. I truly feel that creating beauty to add to the world is an incredible expression of love!

Why do you do what you do?

Reclaiming my Inner Artist & Sexuality. What a challenging, edgy, yet life-affirming journey. I get what it takes to go from total shut down to discovering the delights of full-on Creative & Sensual Expression. Taking y’all on the ride with me. Time to awaken the potency of YOUR creative magic!



View Julia’s creatively curated Universe at @julia.joyfulwild