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Kirtan 4 Peace

Kirtan 4 Peace Billboard.png

Solidarity with Farmers

Guided by Indy Rishi Singh

Share SANGAT (true congregation) and gather in council!

Experience Kirtan, music and meditation for farmers in India and around the world.

Practice thoughtful dialogue and honor the gurus of past, present, and future—the one within.

Contribute your songs and prayers to promote peace and reasonable resolution.

In partnership with Unify.org, this event is inspired by informal Kirtans facilitated by Guru Nanak. Experience an Azenda— intermittently sharing music, prayers, and faith together.

See you there!

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Experience Kirtan 4 Peace


Meet on Zoom or Facebook Live

Want to share music, poetry, spoken word, prayer or philosophy?

Meet on Zoom or Facebook live to experience Kirtan 4 Peace! Sign up above to join!


Russel Brand on The Farmer’s Protest


🎧 Listen: The Farmer’s Protest

📚 Read: What’s Happening in India?

👀 Watch: Instagram & #FarmersProtest


Discover Instagram at @mysticscience111


Email team@wedeepen.com or text 833-398-0784 if you need us.🦋
