Posts tagged Coach Yari
027: Meeting IRL

LISTEN ON: Spotify, Apple, Amazon and iHeartRadio

Friends Nick Onken and Coach Yari have a spontaneous Saturday conversation with me about dating, connecting and unleashing fears. Movement - be it dance or just going out into the world - opens you up to newness, nearly freeing you, and allowing for magic moments of creation and connection, like this one. Both Nick and Yari, meeting for the first time, surrender by saying, YES! when asked to create this podcast only moments before record is pushed. Whether in New York City, Los Angeles or anywhere else in the world, meeting in real life always feels better than through an app... at least it does for me. 

018: Inner Work

LISTEN ON: Spotify, Apple, Amazon, and iHeartRadio

Life is a progression. Our experiences create a reality that is designed by how we respond to each moment. Why am I this way? Because of deep introspection. Coach Yari, founder of Unleash! and The SoulBody Method, and I reflect on our previous relationships, the guides we learned from, and how new trains of thoughts were formed. We also discuss what we love about their bodies and how they're designed to please us!