Petra "Priestess of Play" is an Authentic Relating facilitator, intuitive healer, co-founder of the Goddesses of Gaia women's collective and founder of Ethos Experiences: a conscious events & retreat production company on a mission to up-level our culture, one experience at a time.
What's your zone of genius?
Sparking joy, authenticity and playfulness. Creating unique and meaningful experiences. Rallying the village to achieve a common goal.
How's your love life?
Fun, juicy, life enhancing and full of pleasure + play!
Why do you do what you do?
Much of my life, I felt lonely, misunderstood and disconnected. It was the deepest pain I've ever felt. What saved me? Finding a community that embraces each other's uniqueness and empowers each other's growth! This was the fertile soil that helped me blossom, and I want to help create this for others.