Ep 23: Get Past the Fear with Peak Performance Coach Colleen Biggs

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Colleen Biggs shares how the stories we make up create fear that stops us. She teaches how to change them in order to get past the fear and show up our best.

If you sometimes feel like an imposter or hold yourself back from expressing your message for any reason... this episode is a must!

Colleen Biggs is a Peak Performance Coach, Speaker, Author, and Community Leader. She is a pioneer for women entrepreneurs and leaders to expand, scale, accelerate their businesses, and live "wealthy" lives.

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Ep 22: Release Your Past with Bart The Shaman

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In this episode Bart Sharp... aka Bart the Shaman... shares his energetic healing magical abilities.

We explore how you can release emotional limitations such as anger, shame, fear, and sadness that get trapped in the body and mind.

Bart has worked with a variety of emotion-based challenges stemming from different kinds of abuse, bipolar disorder, depression, narcissism, addiction, unworthiness, abandonment issues, relationship issues, and many others.

Listen and learn the technique Bart uses to help people release these stored emotions.

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Ep 21: Think Your Way Free with Garrain Jones

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Austin Legend Garrain Jones shares his shocking life story of how he was literally jailed and then freed with his thoughts.

Learn how to:

  1. Lean into fear and use it FOR you not against you.

  2. Set intentions to keep you connected to your higher self.

  3. Take yourself out of your self-imposed prison.

When you use your experiences to explore your thoughts and choose them wisely... your life will elevate beyond your wildest dreams.

Team DeepenComment
Ep 20: Man Up by Crying with Jordan Quinn

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Wow! What an incredible discussion of masculinity, adaptability and powerful leadership.

Learn how men build armor to feel safe, how to "hold space" for your partner, and how to speak your truth in a way that can be heard. We also explore how to build self-trust and create happiness for yourself now!

Team DeepenComment
Ep 19: Align to Harmony with Alyssa Sawyer

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Alyssa Sawyer works as a body alignment specialist; alignment of the mind, spirit, and physical body. She is the co-owner of Fitness Healers; a local gym and healing space here in Austin where people can come to receive help on the spectrum of fitness to feelings

In this podcast, Alyssa shares how to live in harmony with all the parts of ourselves. She shares her journey with trauma and how she turned it into life lessons.

We answer the following: How can you feel grief but not get consumed by it? How do you take full responsibility for your life and trust yourself on your journey? How do you shift from fear to action?

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Ep 18: Overcome Tough Beginnings with Business Consultant James Quigley

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In this podcast, James shares his challenging start and which values and daily practices he chose to transform his mindset. He now lives the life he always wanted. James Quigley is a Business Consultant and a heart-centered man!

James and I discuss the following topics:

  • 08:43 - Practices for getting clear

  • 15:45 - Core values for a fantastic life

  • 22:59 - How to create more flow

Team DeepenComment
Ep 17: Happy Gut Happy Life with Ayurvedic Practitioner Amaya Shiva

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Amaya Shiva is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and CEO of Sidha Labs. She helps people speak their truth and live a magical life using Ayurveda.

Learn your “digestive type” and how you can improve your gut to improve your life!

If you feel sluggish, tired, or bloated… you are likely eating things that don’t suit your digestive type. This super informative podcast will clarify the optimal foods for your body.

Ep 16: Freedom To Be Authentically You with Hypnotists Mae Deevy

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Mae Deevy is a Subconscious Reprogrammer & Certified Integrative Coach. We discuss how she overcome fear and mastered the art of showing up vulnerable & authentic.

What you fear others will think of you is actually a reflection of how you think of yourself. We fear others judging us when in fact we are judging ourselves.

If you are ready to stop these judgmental patterns… This podcast is a must!

Mae and I share our favorite subconscious reprogramming tools so that you can stop holding yourself back and start showing up your most fabulous authentic self.

Ep 14: How Polyamory Elevates Communication Skills with Leah Marshall

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This is such an eye-opening discussion with Leah Marshall on how successful polyamorous relationships begin with a dialogue of desires and expectations of the union. A common Polyamory norm is to ask - What’s your poly why? This opens an honest dialogue of one’s boundaries and a healthy preemptive discussion on how to manage possible triggers.

These communication practices can be used in all types of relationships both social and business. What are the (unspoken) expectations of this relationship/job? If you get triggered, what would be an effective way to express your concerns? What support do you need from me in order to do a great job?

What an incredibly wise approach! Brendan Burchard often speaks of predicting possible breakdowns and deciding in advance how they shall be handled. It alleviates so much drama.

Leah is the founder and leader of the Esther Perel Discussion Group on Facebook, a community of almost 14,000 members from across the globe who regularly discuss relationships, intimacy, sex, desire, and infidelity.

Ep 12: 3 Lessons I Learned on My Journey to Legendary!

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

"I believe DANCE, voice activation, movement, music, and breath are the biggest keys to unlocking the beauty and magic of who you really are." - Yarixa Ferrao

Oh my Loves, I'm, so excited to introduce you to this magnificent woman! Yarixa Ferrao is the embodiment of authentic expression. She is the Founder of Unleash! a movement retreat that gets you wildly connected to your freest self. She also offers a 12-week program designed to assist in your personal liberation!

These are some of the questions I ask Yarixa:

You are a badass and 100% free to express yourself. Were you always this way?

What holds people back from authentic self-expression?

How does dancing unleash one’s potential?

If you realize that unabashed self-expression is your power and your freedom but have fear or self-judgment... you simply need to practice being free! Join Yarixa at her upcoming event Unleash!

Visit the WeDeepen.com calendar for information & dates!

Ep 11: F*ck Discipline! with Empowerment Coach Megan Robitaille

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Megan Robitaille is a health and fitness coach who helps women heal trauma that contributes to food or exercise addictions.

If you’re an emotional eater or exerciser like me...

And you are ready for permanent habit change… this episode is for you!

Megan teaches us about trauma release techniques, how to really motivate yourself, and finally break free from feeling stuck.

Megan and I discuss the following:

  • 2:34 - Why do you say f**k discipline? Short clip

  • 8:29 - How do you (effectively) motivate yourself?

  • 10:42 - This is crushing your consistency...

  • 20:40 - How do you drop into your body’s intelligence?

  • 25:18 - How childhood trauma gets wired in the brain

  • 29:00 - How trauma takes us out of the present moment

  • 31:17 - How do you release traumatic events keeping you stuck?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 10: Leading with Heart and Grace with Jessie May Wolfe

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Jessie May Wolfe, Founder of the Heart Rise method and the Movement and Host of the High on Heart Podcast.

Jessie May is the most graceful Boss Lady I have ever met. She maintains a feminine softness despite being a powerful leader. She embodies what she teaches... living from the heart.

In this episode, we discuss how to tap into your heart to make decisions.

Jessie May answers the following:

  • Min 2:10 - How do you live from the heart?

  • Min 4:10 - Why females make great leaders

  • Min 7:47 - How to face fear

  • Min 11:13 - How to release fear

And so much more!

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 9: How to Lead with Your Heart - with Kevin Crenshaw

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Kevin Crenshaw is The Heart Guy! Listen to learn how he went from homeless to earning $45K/month. He shares the driver to his success and a better technique than discipline!

Kevin answers the following questions:

  • Min 8: What did you offer to create so much value?

  • 16:34 - What does Wealth Magnetics look like?

  • 24:06 - How to not need so much space and transcend the ego?

  • 28:43 - How do you untangle codependence?

  • 29:28 - What does codependency look like?

  • 33:29 - How do you release abandonment trauma?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 8: Maximize Your Life's Potential with Barbara Ditlow, a Human Design Expert

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

How to Maximize Your Life's Potential with Barbara Ditlow, a certified Human Design Analyst, Coach, and Teacher. Barbara has studied energy and esoteric healing with practitioners from around the world. Her expertise includes Feng Shui, Astrology, Yoga, Intuitive Healing, Art Therapy, and Cult Interventions.

Barbara Ditlow blew my mind when she explained my human design. It was incredibly revealing as to my strengths and which behavioral tendencies to watch out for. She is a wise woman and a powerful teacher!

In this interview, Barbara answers the following:

  • How does knowing your human design improve one’s life?

  • How does knowing your human design affect how you show up?

  • How can someone use what they learn to expand their impact?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 7: Manifesting through Orgasm and Sex Magic with Danielle Aubrey Smith

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

You were in a marriage with so-so sex life. How did you manage?

How do you connect with your own pleasure sources?

What are the sexual types?

What is sexual tantra?

What can people do to improve their sex lives?

Can your relationship with money affect your sex life?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 6: Wealth, Health, Happiness Activator & Magic Manifestor with Sara Morell

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Sara is a powerhouse! She is the definition of a leader, as she brings people together and guides them to their highest self.

How would you advise someone who is scared to quit their safe job and pursue their dreams?

How do you stay faithful when your bank account says to panic?

How do you stay connected to your higher self in tough times?

What mindset do you need to create wealth?

How do you ask for guidance?

What is one thing you want your boys to know?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 5: Increase Impact and Income with Better Story telling with Magic Majeed, Founder of Expert Speaker

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

Majeed is hands down my favorite speaker I have ever listened to. He is thoroughly captivating, as he articulates concepts with mastery.

In this podcast, Majeed shares his secrets to speaking with confidence and conviction.

I ask Majeed the following:

How do you silence the inner critique?

Do you have any rituals to get you into flow?

How does mastering public speaking change your life?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 4: How to Balance Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental Well-being with Elle MacPherson

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

What would you say to a girl who compares herself to you in the magazine and feels not good enough?

How did you manage to stay self-loving in an industry that can be judgmental and unkind?

Do you think your perfectionism made you so successful? How did you overcome perfectionism?

What are your secrets to aging so flawlessly?

What daily practices can women do to connect to their inner beauty?

Can you share one juicy fun story from your life as a supermodel?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast:

Ep 3: How to Expand Your Consciousness - with Bryant Wood

LISTEN ON: Spotify and Apple

You have studied with Buddhist Sanghas, Sufi Mystics, Ancient African High Priests - What were you seeking in those encounters?

What are your favorite consciousnesses expanding practices? Which rituals connect you to your higher self?

Do you have a favorite healing modality? What have you learned from breathwork?

What is a lesson you have learned in life? What has being in love taught you?

If you could speak to the collective consciousness as it is today, what message would you share?

If you are interested in working with Dr. Nikki click here to schedule a free 15 min discovery call.

Or click here if you are ready to uncover your purpose and make a BIG impact!

Follow along with the Nikkitastic Podcast: