Posts tagged Artistry
Meet Deepen Guide: Joseph Faust

Guide of Attraction Club, Connection Sanctuary and Feel Better Call

Founder of LoveLifeSchool.
NLP expert leads intimate experiences on:
Attraction/Intimacy/Partnership JOY.
When you desire β€œPartnership JOY”,
talk with him or experience an intimate experience like ATTRACTION CLUB.
Ask Joseph anything: text your full name and β€œdeepen” to (310) 433-0424.

What's your zone of genius? 

The Art & Science of:
β€œAttraction, Intimacy & Partnership JOY”.

Personal & Relational:

How's your love life? 

My love life is a source of JOY (to me and to others). I feel so blessed. Curious to discover more? Ask.

Why do you do what you do?

My parent's marriage, challenge, inspired me to realize the importance of emotional intelligence, resourcefulness, understanding, and love of self and others. I love learning about love. I deeply value, loving well and contributing to people experiencing deeper love and β€œPartnership JOY”.



View Joseph’s creatively curated Universe at @lovelifeschool

Meet Deepen Guide: Brandon Beachum
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Guide of The Mystic Manor Retreat Immersion

Brandon Beachum is the host of the Positive Head podcast, founder of the conscious community hub the Mystic Manor in Los Angeles, and host/producer of the new late-night style consciousness-elevating variety show, OptiMystic.

What's your zone of genius? 

I love to explore the ultimate nature of reality and empower others to shift their perspectives to create more magic in their lives.

How's your love life? 

 Love is the answer (now) what was the question?

Why do you do what you do?

We teach best what we most need to learn.



View Brandon’s creatively curated Universe at @0ptimystic

Meet Deepen Guide: Micaela Passeri
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Guide of EQ Squared

Micaela Passeri is an Award winning Emotional Intelligence Coach, International Speaker, Author and founder of the Love You Revolution training programs. A self-professed non-conformist, Micaela puts her many certifications to use by helping heart-centered humans like her find peace within, create great relationships, love themselves deeper and most of all heal their heart. Trained in NLP, MER and Emotion Code.

What's your zone of genius? 

My zone of genius is EQ which leads people to making peace with their past and recognize their authentic inner freedom through emotional mastery and introspective learning. Interrelating is at the foundation of any relationship, in order to have amazing relationships out in the world, we MUST have an amazing relationship with ourselves first.

How's your love life? 

Love is my life. I always look to create deep loving relationships with everyone I meet. Currently I am 5 months into singledom and am now open to a loving, deeply connected and authentic partnership.

Why do you do what you do?

I do this work because I know what awaits on the other side of pain, disappointment, sadness and fear for those brave enough to venture down the path of liberation, healing and personal fulfillment. It was my journey, now I can guide others to find the same inner freedom, peace and joy I have found.



View Micaela’s creatively curated Universe at @loveyourevolution

Meet Deepen Guide: Zia Ray

Guide of Free Bee - a hive mind experience

Emerging from the jungles of Kauai, Zia Ray brings her light, her weird, and her gifts to share with the LA community. Over the years, Zia has come face to face with her traumas, conditioning, and fears, allowing a path of radical healing, growth, and liberation, guided by the body’s intelligence.

What's your zone of genius? 

I am inspired by piercing through the veil of our culture’s conditionings. A lot of my creativity emerges from getting to hold up a mirror to our egos, our fears, our insecurities. I love to be the first person in the room to not take themselves so seriously. It ripples like a yawn. Or a fart.

How's your love life? 

I love loving love, and am currently in a deep, committed, and loving relationship with my Self. We go on dates together, Netflix and chill together, play together, laugh together, and have endless conversations about life, love, and the universe.

Why do you do what you do?

I’ve seen glimpses of a world where all beings are liberated. Where we are always tapped into our fullest expression, able to love & be loved. It’s been a hard but rewarding journey to fully love myself, and dissolve that which holds me back. Now I invite others along their path of liberation too.



View Zia’s creatively curated Universe at @Zia.Ray

Meet Deepen Guide: Greta Grace

Guide of Purple Tent

Greta Grace, a licensed MFT, Intimacy Coach, and Sexual Educator, has been in practice for 30 years. She supports sovereign singles, as a certified Calling in "The One" coach, to remove internal barriers to magnetize happy, healthy love. She is passionate about restoring intimacy to the β€œsilent epidemic of the sexless marriage”. Greta produces Red Tent Los Angeles, a monthly new moon gathering for women. She sees clients in her office in West Los Angeles.

What's your zone of genius? 

I bring the Fire of Love and the Science of Relationship to empower singles and couples to create passionate, playful love. I hold a container for women to heal themselves, the sisterhood, and our relations with men through the Red Tent Los Angeles. I am a lover, a dancer, a mystic and a healer.

How's your love life? 

I am happily married to an amazing, renaissance man, who finds me amazing:) We share a passion for giving back to the planet and we’ve expressed that through offering conscious singles and couples workshops, and through our distinct paths of Red Tent Los Angeles (Greta) and (Dennis Cohen). We enjoy dance, tantra, friends and community, sailing, adventure, and skipping.

Why do you do what you do?

Returning to my roots as a woman is a powerful, important, painful, exhilarating journey. Each of us holds pieces to the puzzle to creating a new earth where power is restored to benefit the whole. Accessing the power and pleasure of our embodied selves, and unleashing the passion that lives within is an accelerated path towards embodied ecstasy, our birthright, our home.

The vision of Red Tent Los Angeles, the launching of One Blue Tent, and partnershipto co-create the Purple Tent brings a path of conscious relating that restores balance and wholeness, our intended pleasure and play.



View Greta’s creatively curated Universe at @redtentwisdomcircle

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Meet Deepen Guide: Avi Nimmer

Guide of Soul-Full Reprograming

Avi works as a Transformational Soul Coach & VisionQuest Nature Facilitator. His purpose of being is helping others and self step ever further out of suffering & stagnation, and into ever greater exuberance, ease, joy, purpose, prosperity, & FUN.

What's your zone of genius? 

My zone of genius is broad and ever expanding. I help people transform their reality β€” no problem is insurmountable, no limitation too challenging, no block that can’t be healed & transmuted. I help people find the answers they are looking for β€” as are dictated and accessed fully in & by self. I walk people through their own fires, help slow down their nervous systems, create an energy of ease love & acceptance in self.

How's your love life? 

My love life is well, thanks for asking :). I am in a deepening practice of discernment with my sexual energy at this time. I am deepening connections, engaging in more consensual physical touch, opening myself up to deeper sensuality β€” such medicines we all desire.

Why do you do what you do?

I do what I do to deeply serve myself and others. I do what I do to create a lifestyle of freedom, joy, meaning & fun in & for myself first β€” we can only authentically guide others to where we know how to go ourselves, can only pour from our own cup as full as we maintain it to be. I then bring my internal medicine out into the world, for others, because it brings me a deep sense of fulfillment, meaning & purpose in my life. I can’t imagine doing anything else at this time β€” I love what I do so deeply.



View Avi’s creatively curated Universe at @soulwarrioravi

Meet Deepen Guide: Daniel Chiu
Daniel Chiu

Guide of Elemental

Daniel found healing through yoga, conscious dance, and nature therapy in recovery from battles with β€œhigh functioning” addictions. Using a integrative trauma informed approach he creates programs and events guiding others to live their best lives free from habits no longer serving them.

What's your zone of genius? 

Creating space to love more fully by focusing on the commonalities rather than differences. Finding comfort in discomfort for maximal growth using mindful movement practices. Shifting out of disempowering stories towards empowering stories that remind us that we're all part of the same story.

How's your love life? 

It's great and full with all forms of love readily available as I've tuned in to the ability to fully love myself, and attract the nourishing loving relationships I want.

Why do you do what you do?

I believe healing in our world starts with individual healing within community. I connect with my best self as I help others do the same, and together we better connect to our planet.



View Daniel’s creatively curated Universe at @synergisticdmc

Meet Deepen Guide: Chris Kazi Rolle

Guide of Finders & Keepers

Chris Kazi Rolle is a matchmaker, life coach, and the founder of Together Apart, a matchmaking and lifestyle coaching company for busy professionals, helping them to find love and keep it alive.

What's your zone of genius? 

I am a healer and a helpful romantic that assists men and women to have deeper and more meaningful connections with themselves and each other. My methodology provides the genders with a process to hear and understand each other.

How's your love life? 

Full of fun and passion. I love deeply. And I am deeply loved. I've been with my wife for 12 years and our love grows deeper daily. I grew up in foster care, which taught me that you are born with relatives but you choose your family. I have familial love with people from all walks of life and I love myself more and more each day.

Why do you do what you do?

It's a calling. I grew up in foster care and my healing journey has taught me that relationships fail because people don't have the resources to succeed in them. Also, I learned from my own life that when relationships fail, it's the children who suffer most and it creates a cycle of dysfunction. I want to do my part to break the cycle.



View Chris’ creatively curated Universe at @chriskazirolle

Meet Deepen Guide: Mariane Karou

Guide of Inner Rhythms: Deep Body Meditation & Dance Alive: Ride the Wave

Mariane is a Force of Nature: Vibrant, Inspired, Dynamic and Deeply Compassionate. Creator of Dance Alive and the Dance Alive Center. A formative leader, master teacher, innovator and pioneer. She walks her talk and balances personal freedom with deep commitment both in her personal life and business. She gets results by inspiring others to be their authentic selves and builds community everywhere she goes!

What's your zone of genius? 

I’m vitally alive, real and willing to relate honestly and authentically to anyone! I’m down to earth, creative, and live with no agenda and show up consistently! I lead others into their own genius, into deep trust and solid confidence and this carries through in all that they do. I get results!

How's your love life? 

Amazing! I am deeply loved and believed in by my husband, Richi for the last 40 years. We are deeply devoted to each other, our family, 3 kids, their spouses and grandchildren, our entire Dance Alive community and our greater community. We ooze realness, connection and LOVE living movement together!

Why do you do what you do?

I am inspired and I love to Move and Relate! I have an unyielding sense of adventure…..and relating shows me where I can move and where I can’t. I’ve always said, β€œYou never know how enlightened you are, until you are in relationship.” My breath, body, family and students are my greatest teachers. I love life! I was born to do what I am doing!!! There has never been a question or doubt that there is anything else for me to do so that’s why I created Dance Alive!



View Mariane’s creatively curated Universe at @dancealivemovement

Meet Deepen Guide: Joe Weston

Guide at Respectful Confrontation and Global Meditation for Lasting Peace

Joe grew up in Queens, NY and currently lives in Washington, DC. He's been an actor, entrepreneur, coach, professor, and trainer, having worked with engineers at NASA, prison inmates in California, grad students at Georgetown University, consultants at Booz Allen Hamilton, and activists all over the world.

What's your zone of genius? 

I am an alchemist. I've been mixing tai chi, martial arts, Tibetan buddhism, neuroscience, theatre, and my own life experiences and connections for some time. The alchemy can happen in a workshop, a coffee shop, or an online meditation. My role is to be present.

How's your love life? 

My life is full of love. And compassion. Ask me about love and compassion - that's a good topic. I have a dream of being a general in a love army. In some ways, I sense this is already happening.

Why do you do what you do?

I am an advocate for Lasting Peace - ending the wars, fighting, and all that separates us. We're not going to get there through simply signing agreements, being nice, or doing the right thing. We have too many differences, and these differences are necessary for our evolution.

